Concepts / Innovation Test

This tool has been developed to test the competitive innovations of your institution. Possible applications include, but are not limited to: approval of new program format, testing new brands, and endorsement of communication methods.

Find Out:
  • What is the potential adoption rate for a program format not standard to my markets?

  • Should I use my actual brand in my e-learning programs? What is the risk?

  • Should I launch a blended learning program with my current institutional brand? Why?

How does it work?
F2F interviews

(on streets, central location)

Multivariate Statistical Models
Online Interviews
Who are the targets?
Prospective Students
Current Students

(yours & competitors)

Our focused and innovative positioning is the result of combining extensive knowledge of business with unique research methods in the education market, ensuring ample power to customize our product offerings.

This allows us to deliver accurate diagnoses for each stage of your institution management cycle :


Before enrollment

We help to map and expand your brand and institution.

  • Quali Insights

    Better Understand Your Markets

  • Echo Insights

    Brand Resonance Evaluation

  • Optimum Insights

    Portfolio Optimization


Before enrollment

We offer solutions to boost your enrollment.

  • Branding insights

    Positioning & Brand Equity

  • Pricing Insights

    Price Elasticity Models (Conjoint Analysis)

  • Product Insights

    Best Product Definition (Conjoint Analysis)


During the program

We develop research to better undestand your students.

  • Branding Insights

    Positioning & Brand Equity

  • Satisfaction Insights

    Satisfaction Evaluation

  • Decision Insights

    Student Decision Drivers

Build Loyalty

After the program

We help to understand what happens after graduation.

  • Satisfaction Insights

    Satisfaction Evaluation

  • Alumni Insights

    Mapping of Former Students

  • Attrition Insights

    Understanding Factors that Lead to Evasion